
The Stress of Change

It has been said many times over that change is inevitable. Change is one of life’s great quandaries. On one hand we like and even need change. On the other hand, we tend to resist it, even when it’s a good thing. Of course resisting something that’s inevitable means...

Better Health Begins with Awareness

A lack of awareness is probably the easiest barrier to adaptation (change) to overcome. One needs only the desire to increase their awareness. Information on just about anything you can think of can be found with a few key strokes. There is a catch though; Information...

Yummy Holiday Pie Recipes!

How do I get through the holidays without completely ruining my good eating habits? Here are a couple of our favorite yummy holiday pie recipes for delicious chocolate and pumpkin pies. The pecan crust works wonderfully for both. Enjoy! Sugar-Free Chocolate Cream Pie...

Our Children’s Advocacy

Before I became a parent I had repeatedly heard a few sentiments echoed by many a parent before me. The first was that it’s hard. There would be many challenges along the way. Beginning with poopy diapers and a whole lot less sleep, your world revolves around them. As...
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