Cancer, Nutrition Response Testing, Wellness Blog
The other day I heard a radio commercial for a breast cancer screening facility. The spokesperson made a particular claim that immediately stood out to me. “Early screening is the best way to prevent breast cancer.” Really? Let me get this strait. The best way to...Detox, Nutrition Response Testing, Wellness Blog
Just about every day, I see her walking down the street near my office. She used to walk alone, but now it appears that she has walking companions, probably her family. Her name is Ann and I have had the pleasure of meeting this gentle soul a number of times. She...Detox, Nutrition Response Testing, Wellness Blog
Most of our clients know that we are big proponents of a regular detox. In this day and age there are so many sources of harmful toxicities in our environment that even the most conscientious healthy lifestyle seekers will have to contend with cleaning out their body...