
A Holistic Diagnosis of Health Problems

 Many patients come to the Center for Holistic Health after they have tried traditional medical treatment, only to find out that their underlying condition remains. They begin to realize that the side effects of the medications are as bad, if not worse than the...

Finding The One Doctor That Can Help Me

In a recent conversation I was paid a great compliment by one of my clients. Let’s call her Lisa. She wasn’t feeling well but I was unable to see her in the office. She was a bit upset and later explained why. Before finding me a couple of years ago she searched far...

Holistic Solutions Work Every Time

You may be thinking, “Come on Dr. Gene, nothing works 100% of the time.” That all depends upon what your desired goal is. In the medical world the word cure is used to describe the goal of getting rid of one’s symptoms, once and for all. Medications often meet the...

More Addictive Than Cocaine

It has been shown to be as or more addictive than cocaine or heroin. At least that’s what the mice say. But there is something else about it that can make it even harder for the average person to shake. This white powder is among the most socially acceptable and...
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