General, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
You may be thinking, “Come on Dr. Gene, nothing works 100% of the time.” That all depends upon what your desired goal is. In the medical world the word cure is used to describe the goal of getting rid of one’s symptoms, once and for all. Medications often meet the...
Detox, Nutrition Response Testing, Wellness Blog
Just about every day, I see her walking down the street near my office. She used to walk alone, but now it appears that she has walking companions, probably her family. Her name is Ann and I have had the pleasure of meeting this gentle soul a number of times. She...
Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
It has been shown to be as or more addictive than cocaine or heroin. At least that’s what the mice say. But there is something else about it that can make it even harder for the average person to shake. This white powder is among the most socially acceptable and...