Wellness Resources
Holistic Approach to Anxiety and Depression
When I began my private practice over 20 years ago, it used to surprise me. Since then, I guess I’ve grown accustomed to the amount of otherwise “healthy” people that are on psychotropic medications. Of course, if I knew then what I know now, it would have been no...
Need Nutritional Supplements?
This week a client asked, “How long do I have to keep taking supplements”? In one form or another, it’s a question I’ve been asked on many occasions. Sometimes it’s about continuing chiropractic care. Sometimes it’s about how long to continue avoiding sugar or other...
3 Causes of Fatigue: Toxicity, Stress, Poor Nutrition
Toxicity, stress and lack of adequate nutrition have taken their toll. Fatigue is by far the most common symptom we see on patient intake forms. While many times it is the primary symptom, fatigue can be secondary to almost any other medical condition. It can be as...
Why People Choose Alternative Health Care
In exploring the 5 Keys to Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle, we spoke last time about the pitfalls of navigating health information via the internet. It’s clear that depending on information and inductive reasoning alone, without another key ingredient, does not ensure...
Scientific Studies
Last time I wrote about using deductive or logic based reasoning to navigate health information. That does not mean that inductive information gathering is without merit. In fact, the collecting and analyzing of information, better known as scientific studies can...
The Answer to Lifestyle Related Illnesses
Last time I wrote about using deductive or logic based reasoning to navigate health information. That does not mean that inductive information gathering is without merit. In fact, the collecting and analyzing of information, better known as scientific studies can...