Wellness Resources
The Pond Approach
by Dr. Gene Clerkin Typically, most of the people that seek out care at Monadnock Natural Health have tried many other approaches before they find us. Most have a commonality in the hormone and inflammation related symptoms – fatigue, belly fat, pain, sleep, and...
The Wellness Approach to Weight Loss
Weight loss and improved energy seem to be atop the list of almost all health history questionnaires we see. And why not? We all want to look and feel our best. According to Boston Medical, an estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, and Americans spend...
How to Budget for Your Health
By Dr. Gene Clerkin Recently a woman sent an email in response to a comment I made during our webinar the previous evening. I said that a comprehensive wellness program was affordable if one could budget two or three hundred dollars a month. Her note indicated that...
Is This Going to Work For Me?
One of the most common questions or concerns I hear from prospective practice members during their initial consultation is, “Will this work for me”? It may be the first time they’ve explored an alternative to the mainstream medical approach they are used to. Or, maybe...
How Do We Know if We’ve Lost Our Health?
Many people share with me, during their initial consultation, that they are not sure whether they would be considered unhealthy. They saw an advertisement or attended a webinar and decided to take a small step forward and have a conversation. They don’t really feel...
“And Why Don’t You Want To Know?”
by Dr. Gene Clerkin It is unfortunate that right now, many people reading this article are suffering from one or more chronic health issues. You may be one of them. Many times the symptoms are not so bad that you can’t learn to live with them. Of course, they do...