General, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
You may be thinking, “Come on Dr. Gene, nothing works 100% of the time.” That all depends upon what your desired goal is. In the medical world the word cure is used to describe the goal of getting rid of one’s symptoms, once and for all. Medications often meet the...
Allergies, Detox, Wellness Blog
Once again we are heading into that beautiful time of year…autumn. For many, the fall season is also a miserable time of allergies, with sneezing, wheezing, runny noses and itchy eyes… or not. Did you ever wonder why some people have allergies and some...
Fatigue & Stress, Wellness Blog
It has been said many times over that change is inevitable. Change is one of life’s great quandaries. On one hand we like and even need change. On the other hand, we tend to resist it, even when it’s a good thing. Of course resisting something that’s inevitable means...