
Wisdom Vs Intellect

A couple of months ago, I conducted a workshop for a group of senior citizens. Like most of the workshops I offer, it was based upon concepts of healing and wellness and how they relate and can be applied to everyday life. Since this particular group was associated...

Monadnock Natural Health

A couple of weeks ago a client, who is also a bee keeper, brought me a jar of honey. Knowing that I’d be abstaining from sugar for a while, I asked weather it would spoil if left too long. She told me that, using their wings, the bees dry the honey to the...

Awareness & Action

For quite some time, I had the idea of forming of Conscious Living Group although, admittedly, I wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like. Delaying no longer, I put my foot down, set the date and decided we’d… uh, figure it out at the meeting. There, one of my...

Wellness is a Habit

Statistics show somewhere between eighty five and ninety percent of all disease is lifestyle related. Lifestyle is simply an accumulation of habitual behaviors. Those behaviors can come in the form of the food we eat, what, if any, type of exercise we participate in,...
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