Fatigue & Stress, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
With winter’s short days and low temperatures, many of us find ourselves struggling with low energy, sluggishness, and the winter blues. While it’s tempting to reach for extra caffeine or sugary snacks for a quick fix, there are better ways to sustain energy...
Fatigue & Stress, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog
Dr. Gene recommends a combination of gentle, stress relieving chiropractic care, nutritional counseling and high-quality nutritional supplements for your weight-loss program. The inability to lose and keep off weight is one of the most common complaints my patients...
Fatigue & Stress, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
Toxicity, stress and lack of adequate nutrition have taken their toll. Fatigue is by far the most common symptom we see on patient intake forms. While many times it is the primary symptom, fatigue can be secondary to almost any other medical condition. It can be as...
Fatigue & Stress, Wellness Blog
It has been said many times over that change is inevitable. Change is one of life’s great quandaries. On one hand we like and even need change. On the other hand, we tend to resist it, even when it’s a good thing. Of course resisting something that’s inevitable means...
Fatigue & Stress, Wellness Blog
As an elementary school student I learned about dinosaurs that inhabited the earth some 200 million years ago. I remember wondering, “Why had they disappeared from the planet so long ago?” According to my teacher, their problem was adaptation. Their inability to adapt...
Fatigue & Stress, General, Wellness Blog
In exploring the 5 Keys to Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle, we spoke last time about the pitfalls of navigating health information via the internet. It’s clear that depending on information and inductive reasoning alone, without another key ingredient, does not ensure...