
Healthy Shamrock Shake Recipe

St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect time to celebrate all things green, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for artificial flavors and sugar-laden treats. Our clean-eating Shamrock Shake is packed with wholesome ingredients to fuel your body while still giving you...

Stress, Hormones & Exhaustion – Free Webinar

Tune in to this inspiring webinar by Monadnock Natural Health ​to learn about how functional wellness gets to the root of the problem. If you’re sick of just putting band-aids on big problems and are looking for a completely different approach to health… this is it....

Do You Believe It Was The Watchmaker?

D.D. Palmer, who founded Chiropractic in 1895, based his philosophy on a major premise: “A universal intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.” In other words, without intelligence,...

Understanding the Science Behind Change

I was listening to a podcast the other day and a commercial came on that said, “48% of people want to improve their health in the new year”. If that’s true, it means about half of you out there want to do that. But most people I talk with don’t like making New Years...
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