
Wellness Resources

Scientific Studies

Last time I wrote about using deductive or logic based reasoning to navigate health information.  That does not mean that inductive information gathering is without merit.  In fact, the collecting and analyzing of information, better known as scientific studies can...

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3 Addictions to Our Unhealthy Life

Once we’ve realized that our health is diminishing and we have an understanding of why, the next critical step is to take action. I find that this is where many people encounter a great deal of difficulty. Even if they know what to do, they either can’t get started or...

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3 Steps to Our Healthy Lifestyle Plan

Last time I wrote about the importance of motivation in reclaiming one’s health. In fact, I can usually predict a patient’s results based on their stated commitment to getting well. When a patient says, “I’ll do whatever is necessary to get well, I just don’t know...

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Execution of a Healthy Lifestyle

Sometimes, even if we have a well thought out plan for creating our healthy lifestyle, we still fail. There is one more seemingly elusive step to achieving a healthy lifestyle; Execution of a healthy lifestyle plan. When I see a patient struggling with this, it...

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Keene, NH 03431

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