Wellness Resources
A Sensible Weight Loss Program
Dr. Gene recommends a combination of gentle, stress relieving chiropractic care, nutritional counseling and high-quality nutritional supplements for your weight-loss program. The inability to lose and keep off weight is one of the most common complaints my patients...
A Little Confession
It was late summer in 2001 when things started to get bad. That was the first time my knee swelled up, enough to keep me bedridden for a couple of weeks. Looking back now, I can see the signs and symptoms were there for years before that. I was never sick as a kid so,...
How Long Do I Have to Stay on a Diet?
One of the questions I often get before a client begins a program with us is, “Will I have to keep dieting for the rest of my life?” Let’s start with this, your diet is just what you eat, good or bad. So yes, you will need to continue eating. Good or bad,...
Thyroid & Autoimmunity
Searching for information on autoimmunity? Want to discover how to better manage the underlying triggers so you can function again? The lecture will focus on autoimmunity and will include an opportunity to book an initial appointment with a practitioner. Whether it is...
3 Causes of Fatigue: Toxicity, Stress, Poor Nutrition
Toxicity, stress and lack of adequate nutrition have taken their toll. Fatigue is by far the most common symptom we see on patient intake forms. While many times it is the primary symptom, fatigue can be secondary to almost any other medical condition. It can be as...
Holistic Solutions Work Every Time
You may be thinking, “Come on Dr. Gene, nothing works 100% of the time.” That all depends upon what your desired goal is. In the medical world the word cure is used to describe the goal of getting rid of one’s symptoms, once and for all. Medications often meet the...