Wellness Resources
“And Why Don’t You Want To Know?”
It is unfortunate that right now, many people reading this article are suffering from one or more chronic health issues. You may be one of them. Many times the symptoms are not so bad that you can’t learn to live with them. Of course, they do get worse, but helpfully,...
Sensational Stuffed Pepper Poppers Recipe as served at “Coming Clean” on April 29th
Ask and you shall receive! Thanks to Castine for her efforts in preparing this delicious "party pepper" dish for our recent Coming Clean event and sharing the recipe. Try preparing these flavorful punch-packers for your next gathering, or simply make them and create a...
Wisdom Vs Intellect
A couple of months ago, I conducted a workshop for a group of senior citizens. Like most of the workshops I offer, it was based upon concepts of healing and wellness and how they relate and can be applied to everyday life. Since this particular group was associated...
Alternative Medicine Isn’t Always Holistic
Many people contact the Center for Holistic Health looking for an alternative approach to addressing their health problems. This is usually after the conventional approach they tried hasn't worked. Many times they're not even really sure what holistic means. I...
Make Consciousness, Not War
It has been said that one cannot fix a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it in the first place. When I read a book or see a movie or observe life around me, I notice how that observation or event relates to the wellness paradigm. While reading...
Monadnock Natural Health
A couple of weeks ago a client, who is also a bee keeper, brought me a jar of honey. Knowing that I'd be abstaining from sugar for a while, I asked weather it would spoil if left too long. She told me that, using their wings, the bees dry the honey to the precise...