Wellness Resources
Gut Wrenching
When I saw him a couple of years ago, I noticed it at once. Something about him was different. Biting my tongue, I thought, “My god, he looks like he’s dying.” My childhood friend. From the perspective of a health practitioner and out of general concern for the...
“And Why Don’t You Want To Know?”
It is unfortunate that right now, many people reading this article are suffering from one or more chronic health issues. You may be one of them. Many times the symptoms are not so bad that you can’t learn to live with them. Of course, they do get worse, but helpfully,...
Sensational Stuffed Pepper Poppers Recipe as served at “Coming Clean” on April 29th
Ask and you shall receive! Thanks to Castine for her efforts in preparing this delicious "party pepper" dish for our recent Coming Clean event and sharing the recipe. Try preparing these flavorful punch-packers for your next gathering, or simply make them and create a...
Is Your Child Getting What They Need to Thrive in Today’s World?
Just the other day I observed a friend’s child pack her lunch for the following day. The little Frito Lay six-pack of cheese-n-crackers, an additional stack of club crackers, a granola bar, a peanut butter sandwich and a handful of strawberries. On the surface it...
3 Quick and Timely Tips for Surviving Allergy Season
Natural Solutions The spring allergy season is in full swing, and if you haven't already, it's time to deal with the onslaught of airborne allergens of many types. Many people are affected by these microscopic allergens, from mild to severe in their reactions. In some...
5 Potential Toxins in Your Home
There may be hazardous conditions affecting your family’s health right inside your own home. When we purchase a home, we like to think of it as a safe haven from all the possible dangers of the outside world. But there may be hazardous conditions affecting your...