Happiness, Lifestyle, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
by Dr. Gene Clerkin It is unfortunate that right now, many people reading this article are suffering from one or more chronic health issues. You may be one of them. Many times the symptoms are not so bad that you can’t learn to live with them. Of course, they do...
General, Happiness, Lifestyle
And is it possible? That is the big question facing our country. As individuals, we seek to heal when we are ill. And understandably so. Experiencing illness is typically uncomfortable in both the physical and emotional realms. In the body hidden toxins, food...
Digestion, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
Dr. Gene can help people with digestive disorders like bloating, indigestion, gas, acid reflux, ulcers, IBS, constipation, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s with safe, natural and effective solutions. The significant role the digestive system plays in overall health is...
Fatigue & Stress, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog
Dr. Gene recommends a combination of gentle, stress relieving chiropractic care, nutritional counseling and high-quality nutritional supplements for your weight-loss program. The inability to lose and keep off weight is one of the most common complaints my patients...