Allergies, Autoimmunity, Children's Health, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
Just the other day I observed a friend’s child pack her lunch for the following day. The little Frito Lay six-pack of cheese-n-crackers, an additional stack of club crackers, a granola bar, a peanut butter sandwich and a handful of strawberries. On the surface it...
General, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
A couple of weeks ago a client, who is also a bee keeper, brought me a jar of honey. Knowing that I’d be abstaining from sugar for a while, I asked weather it would spoil if left too long. She told me that, using their wings, the bees dry the honey to the...
Supplements, Wellness Blog
In April of 2010, Reader’s Digest published an article titled “5 Vitamin Truths and Lies.” The article cited several research studies finding the use of vitamin supplements ineffective in improving health. So, what do you think? Were they right? Many people have...