Detox, General, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
This morning, on the way to the office, I heard a story about a study that was conducted by the National Academy of Science which found that fluoride, which, as most know, has been added to our drinking supply to help strengthen our teeth and bones, might actually be...
Fatigue & Stress, Happiness, Wellness Blog
One day not too long ago a client brought me an internet story from ABC news, entitled “Anger Is Good for You” The study, conducted at Carnegie Mellon University ; showed anger may help people reduce the negative impact of stress. At first glance this may seem...
Happiness, Lifestyle, True Stories, Wellness Blog
Recently a friend told me that his upcoming engagement had been called off. Understandably, he was feeling pretty down about the unfolding events. They were unable to meet on one particular issue which became the demise of the nuptials. In sharing this with me he said...
Children's Health, Wellness Blog
Not long ago I heard about new laws being enacted that would allow authorities to screen all school children for mental health and enforce treatment as they see fit. Parents could lose custody if they did not go along. All part of the “no child left behind program.”...