
Reducing Sugar in the Diet

One of the biggest challenges people have in overcoming health problems is reducing sugar in the diet. Yeah, I think we’ve all heard that too much sugar isn’t good for us. And I’m pretty sure most people have figured out, if they’ve tried to stop, that it’s rather...

Three Simple Tips for Stress Detox

One of the challenges of today’s society is that, in my opinion, we were never meant to have to deal with so much input, so much of the time. The great convenience of computers and mobile devices in this communication age has also become a perpetual contributor to our...

Why We Hold Stress

A little over twenty years ago I attended a seminar taught by world renowned healer, Dr. Donald Epstein. He spoke about the damaging effects of stress physiology on the body. In addition he offered the idea that one could learn to release those stresses from their...
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