Lifestyle, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
I know what you’re thinking. What does lawnmower maintenance have to do with your health? We’ll get there in a minute. First, I’ve got to paint the picture for you. The repair shop owner was like the soup nazi character in the comedy series, Seinfeld. His no-nonsense...
Detox, General, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
This morning, on the way to the office, I heard a story about a study that was conducted by the National Academy of Science which found that fluoride, which, as most know, has been added to our drinking supply to help strengthen our teeth and bones, might actually be...
Lifestyle, True Stories, Wellness Blog
One day a guy, let’s call him Bill, called after having been referred to the Center for Holistic Health by a friend. Bill was experiencing back pain and was beginning to have trouble lifting his leg. Previously, when this had happened, Bill would see his...