
“And Why Don’t You Want To Know?”

It is unfortunate that right now, many people reading this article are suffering from one or more chronic health issues. You may be one of them. Many times the symptoms are not so bad that you can’t learn to live with them. Of course, they do get worse, but helpfully,...

Wellness is a Habit

Statistics show somewhere between eighty five and ninety percent of all disease is lifestyle related. Lifestyle is simply an accumulation of habitual behaviors. Those behaviors can come in the form of the food we eat, what, if any, type of exercise we participate in,...

A Stroke Of Insight

In the medical model our main concern is to remove symptoms and restore the body to its previous state. From a wellness or healing perspective we may actually want to gain some insight from our symptoms so that we can learn, grow and evolve. I often tell clients that...

It Brought Tears to My Eyes

As I looked around, it was the realization that people from different generations, genders, races and socioeconomic backgrounds, transcended their differences and became one. Nothing else mattered but experiencing the joy of the moment. We didn’t have to find...
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