
Event Details

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Tune in to this inspiring webinar by Monadnock Natural Health to learn how holistic medicine approaches conditions such as anxiety, memory issues, focus troubles, depression, PTSD, OCD, and cognitive decline.

If you’re tired of just putting band-aids on these symptoms and are looking for a completely different approach to a healthy, happy and active life – we’ll be providing valuable answers and solutions!

This lecture will focus on Memory, Mood, and Brain Health and will include an opportunity to book a complete wellness evaluation.

During this webinar, you will learn:

✅ The underlying cause of these BRAIN HEALTH issues and why taking medications may not correct the problem.

✅ How GUT HEALTH is related to BRAIN HEALTH and why people with gut health issues often experience symptoms like anxiety, depression, and memory troubles (and vice versa).

✅ The big mistakes that conventional medicine makes when treating cognitive decline, focus issues, and anxiety/depression.

The Monadnock Natural Health team will tell you about a truly holistic approach to underlying triggers of conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, and panic attacks.

Click here to sign up or call 603-852-4706

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