Lifestyle, Nutrition & Diet, Wellness Blog
When an individual is faced with a problem, their initial strategy may include finding a way to cope with the situation. For example, if they don’t have enough money to pay the rent they may have to borrow money from a friend to handle this crisis situation. In this...
Autoimmunity, General, True Stories, Wellness Blog
Sometimes my knees would swell to the size of a football. Sometimes it was a wrist and other times a foot or ankle. I was never sure where or when the swelling and intense pain would strike next. I was, however, certain of one thing; with each passing year, and lately...
Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
My wardrobe was in dire need of revamping, Gretchen said. And Gretchen should know. Gretchen, keen student of such male fashion foibles as threadbare clothes, offered to be my personal shopper for a day. Admittedly, I needed help, and took the opportunity to have a...
Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness Blog
For quite some time, I had the idea of forming of Conscious Living Group although, admittedly, I wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like. Delaying no longer, I put my foot down, set the date and decided we’d… uh, figure it out at the meeting. There, one of my...