During routine Nutrition Response Testing visits, we monitor body organ reflexes to determine how a patient is responding to their program. We actually have a rating system that will let us know whether they are responding well or whether there are obstacles hindering their improvement. When a patient is not responding optimally, the answer can be usually be found by investigating only a few factors.
We find there are 3 things that hinder a nutritional program.
The first and most obvious is the diet. If an individual is allergic to wheat and they continue to consume products that contain gluten, the protein found in wheat, they will have a hard time getting better. I’ve found that as long as there is a steady improvement in the diet, most patients will continue to progress. However, dietary changes are usually what present the greatest challenge for most people. Habitual and physiological addictions must be mindfully tackled.
Sometimes we have hidden toxicities throwing our bodies out of kilter. Even those of us who take precautions to avoid toxins will have some degree of exposure. Pollutants in the air, water and food often go undetected. Toxic chemicals can derail the function of any gland or organ in the body, hindering the healing process. I see this often when a patient is attempting to lose weight and despite doing everything else right, they get stuck. The body can actually hold on to fat to protect itself from the hidden toxicities. Nutrition Response Testing is a great tool to detect and handle these toxicity problems.
Finally, even if the diet is on track and there doesn’t seem to be a toxicity issue, there’s one more thing most people never think about that will hinder a nutritional program’s success. Tune in next time and we’ll find out what this hidden detractor is and how to handle it.