
Event Details

Come to this seminar by Monadnock Natural Health to learn about how functional medicine gets to the root of the problem. If you’re sick of just putting band-aids on big problems and are looking for a completely different approach to medicine – this is it!

The lecture will focus on HORMONES, INFLAMMATION, and CHRONIC PAIN.

Tour our clinic, meet our team, and learn more about how the Monadnock Natural Health team utilizes a truly holistic approach to effectively and naturally address inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and chronic pain. Signs of inflammation include:

  • aching joints
  • swelling and bloating
  • feeling unwell or fatigued
  • having trouble concentrating and thinking quickly
  • skin issues, like rashes
  • stomach pain
    -and more

Most people do not realize that signs of inflammation are merely an indicator of a bigger health issue, which may include:

  • gut health issues
  • exposure to toxic chemicals over a long period of time
  • food sensitivities
  • sleep trouble
  • weight
  • autoimmune conditions
    -and more

This fun, informative, and useful lecture will focus on the underlying reasons that men and women struggle with inflammation. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about how functional medicine gets to the root of the problem to transform bodies and lives.

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